
Project Pilot


A tool that automatically builds the base of a project, including docker setup, from a ChatGPT query.

The logo of chatgpt.

Introducing an automated project scaffolding tool that streamlines the initial setup process, including Docker configuration, based on ChatGPT queries. This tool is perfect for swiftly establishing a project foundation and diving right into development.


Drawing inspiration from the code-muse-project, this endeavor builds upon the original concept of a bot that uses AI to build a base project, introducing various enhancements and additional features. These improvements include, but are not limited to:

  • Specification and validation of the OPEN_API_KEY
  • Enhanced error handling mechanisms for greater reliability
  • Strict adherence to the Rust language’s coding style guidelines
  • Elimination of jokes (acknowledging they weren’t particularly humorous)
  • Option to specify the project path
  • By incorporating these advancements, the aim is to provide an even more polished and efficient experience for project initialization.

You can find the implementation of this project, and use it for yourself here.