
SCA Toolbox


A toolbox, implementing several different types of side-channel attacks, making research significantly easier.

A picture of the commandline interface of the SCA toolbox.

In this project, we built a toolbox providing many different SCA tools, some of which attack implementations, analysis tools and evaluation metrics. Even a sub tool that simulates certain countermeasures into datasets for more in depth research on higher-order encryption implementations. The project was rather successful, seeing a significant amount of forks and stars on this repo and even the publishment of this toolbox by a security researching lab, called AISyLab. The code, including a detailed explanation of features and usage of the project can be found here.


Different Side-channel attacks:

  • Template attack (TA)
  • Pooled template attack (PTA)
  • Stochastic attack (SA)
  • Mutual information analysis (MIA)
  • online Correlation Power Analysis (oCPA)
  • Direct Power Analysis (DPA)

Analysis tools included in current version:

  • Normalized Inter Class Variance analysis (NICV)
  • Pearson Correlation Analysis (PIA)
  • Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)
  • non-Linear Regression Analysis (nLRA)
  • Sum Of Squared T-values (SOST)
  • Sum Of Squared Differences (SOSD)
  • Test Vector Leakage Assessment (TVLA)

Other features include:

  • Logging of sub result
  • Aligning traces
  • Full control over feature selection
  • Introducing desync into datasets
  • Progressbar
  • GPU support